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The most telling point is Dr. Glantz's opposition to legislation that classifies electronic cigarettes as being separate from tobacco products. The electronic cigarette associations have been lobbying local and state governments not to classify e-cigarettes as tobacco products. This makes perfect sense because they are not tobacco products. They contain no tobacco. They are orders of magnitude safer than cigarettes and should not be treated in the same category for regulatory purposes.

Smoking of any kind has been banned from all North Carolina jails and prisons since March of 2010. Since then, according to Eddie Caldwell Director of the North Carolina Sherriff’s association, “jail staff have to contend with inmates suffering from nicotine withdrawal.” Which can potentially cause unneeded conflict between jail staff and inmates. Some county jails have turned to electronic cigarettes as the solution, and as Caldwell further states “There are a number of jails across the state that allow their inmates to purchase these e-cigarettes.” Much of the reasoning behind this decision according to Caldwell is officer safety, and that “traditional cigarettes create a risk of fire, the risk of secondhand smoke and other things like that,” Caldwell said, “that at least as far as I’ve heard are not a problem with e-cigarettes.”

Peter Hajek, director of the Tobacco Dependence Research Unit at Queen Mary, University of London, also this critical flaw in the study: ""The authors followed up smokers who tried e-cigarettes but did not stop smoking, and excluded smokers who tried e-cigarettes and stopped smoking," he said. "Like smokers who fail with any method, these were highly dependent smokers who found quitting difficult. The authors concluded that e-cigarette (use) was not helpful, but that would be true for any treatment however effective if only treatment failures were evaluated."

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