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"Do not listen to what the CDC and the FDA are telling you. There is no question that by quitting smoking, you have greatly improved your health. There is no question that vaping is much safer than smoking. Do not allow yourself to be deceived by the propaganda. Do not return to cigarette smoking in fear that somehow there are hidden risks in vaping that could render them just as dangerous as cigarettes."

Senator Boxer also has no business excoriating the e-cigarette executives as she, too, sold out to Big Tobacco by supporting the legislation which exempted menthol from the cigarette flavoring ban. And she, too, has failed to sponsor legislation - now or any time in the past four years - that would correct the problem now by banning menthol cigarettes.

The key qualifier is "for the right smokers." There is a subset of smokers who try electronic cigarettes and find them satisfactory. They may then go on to make a decision to try to quit using e-cigarettes. The results of this study do not imply that if a smoker were "forced" to use e-cigarettes to quit, one would find the same favorable results.

3. The regulations require pre-approval or substantial equivalence determinations of almost all existing electronic cigarette products.

b. Reduction in daily nicotine intake; and

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