auto:admin kanger t3

The FDA is undermining decades of public health efforts to underscore the ubiquitous danger of cigarette smoking and the lack of value of even major design changes, such as filters and lower yields. By doing so, the agency is negating any positive effects of its own anti-smoking media campaign.

It is easy to see why this methodology is inappropriate to assess smoking cessation rates among smokers who use e-cigarettes in an attempt to quit smoking.

Once in a while I will grab a cigarette from a friend and try to smoke it. I can’t get more than 3 drags before I trash it. It is gross, and I hate them. I guess I do it to prove to myself that I have finally quit. Before I started using e-cigs, a test like that always ended with me smoking again. Now, it makes me sick and glad I have an electronic cigarette.

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