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That the FDA is not sure whether smoking is any more hazardous than vaping does not say a lot for the agency's scientific standards.

By blocking e-cigarette companies from telling the truth to consumers, CAP has completely undermined the very purpose of electronic cigarette marketing. The only reason these products are on the market and being used extensively in the first place is that they are much safer than regular cigarettes. If they weren't safer than cigarettes, there would be no justification for these products to even remain on the market. Moreover, they would not have become so popular among smokers because no one is going to switch to a product that delivers less nicotine unless it has health benefits.

The most baffling part is raising the taxes on electronic cigarettes will only return 25 million dollars. A large number to us regular folks, but it is only 2.5% of the budget deficit. So basically it won’t even make a dent. Also raising the cigarette tax an additional 50 cents would yield 50 million dollars. So by that logic, an additional 25 cents for the regular cigarettes would cover the entire return of electronic cigarettes!

A issued by UC Riverside states unequivocally that this research finds thirdhand smoke to be every bit as harmful as active smoking.

The Rest of the Story

"Dear Professor Glantz, Dr. Dutra:

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