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2. The 52 media outlets that carried the story and quoted Dr. Frieden as stating that electronic cigarettes are "condemning many kids to struggling with a lifelong addiction to nicotine."

While the study must be viewed as providing only preliminary evidence and further confirmation is necessary, this is important research because it suggests that contrary to the assertions of many anti-smoking advocates, switching from tobacco cigarettes to electronic cigarettes decreases rather than increases the level of addiction to nicotine. Smokers who make the switch are less addicted and feel better prepared and better able to quit completely.

"According tothe, e-cigarette use in England has been rising since2011, when the survey began. Meanwhile, the percentage of smokerswho reported quitting in the previous year rose from 4.6 percent in2011 to 6.2 percent in 2012. The cessation rate was 6.1 percentlast year and 8.7 percent in the first quarter of this year. Duringthe same period the success rate of smokers who tried to quit rosefrom 13.7 percent to 21.4 percent. Those numbers suggest the real promise of e-cigarettes—not as anefarious plot to hook teenagers on nicotine but as a harm-reducingalternative to smoking. If the FDA follows Durbin's advice, it willban most e-cigarette flavors, making the switch less appealing tosmokers who prefer the prohibited varieties, and restricte-cigarette advertising, making smokers less aware of a competingproduct that could literally save their lives."

• We also lied to you when we told you that "with nicotine inhalers you receive only nicotine."

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