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In fact, the subjects had no idea that they were part of an experiment involving artificial manipulation of their news feed for the purposes of potential inducing happiness or sadness as part of a research study. This potential use of their Facebook account is simply not mentioned in the Data Use Policy. The policy states that the information provided by users may be used for research purposes. It also states that the information may be shared with outside vendors to conduct research. However, nowhere does the policy state that users agree to intentional manipulation by Facebook staff for research purposes.

b. Reduction in daily nicotine intake; and

That sounds like something the tobacco industry would say if asked to comment about electronic cigarettes. And to its credit, even the tobacco industry has not made any such statement.

The problem is that the smokers who used e-cigarettes were likely more heavily addicted and more resistant to quitting. The reason they tried e-cigarettes was probably related to their failure to quit smoking using other types of therapy, such as NRT or other drugs. E-cigarettes, after all, are not generally the first smoking cessation approach that a smoker will try.

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