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"Each corrective ad is to be prefaced by a statement that a federal court has concluded that the defendant tobacco companies 'deliberately deceived the American public.' Among the required statements are that smoking kills more people than murder, AIDS, suicide, drugs, car crashes and alcohol combined, and that 'secondhand smoke kills over 38,000 Americans a year.'"

Ironically, Dr. Glantz (and numerous anti-smoking groups) are supporting the protective legislation. Which raises the question: Who is acting more as a Big Tobacco front group? The e-cigarette associations, which are fighting protective legislation for tobacco cigarettes, or Glantz and the anti-smoking groups, which are trying to get protective legislation ensconced in every state throughout the country, so that cigarette profits are protected nationwide?

Let's just take three of the Surgeon General's report authors alone (Dr. Neal Benowitz, Dr. Jack Henningfield, and Dr. Jonathan Samet). According to a D.C. District Court filed by R.J. Reynolds and Lorillard:

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