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Fortunately, the fine print in the regulations did not escape the attention of the ACLU, which is this special interest exemption.

The odds ratio for successful quitting for the e-cigarette group compared to subjects who used NRT was 2.23 (95% confidence interval, 1.70-2.93).

Unfortunately, ANR is so determined to attack electronic cigarette use that it has abandoned scientific integrity and is spreading misinformation to the public. While ANR has every right to advocate against the use of electronic cigarettes, it should not do so based on false and misleading information.

The bottom line is that Senator Rockefeller is a typical politician and a classical hypocrite. He is also completely disingenuous. Were he truly committed to protecting kids from addiction to flavored tobacco products, he would never have sold out to Philip Morris by sponsoring and supporting legislation that exempted menthol from the cigarette flavoring ban. Even now, if he truly cared about the actual health of children, instead of attacking the e-cigarette industry, he would have devoted his time and energy to crafting and sponsoring legislation to ban menthol from cigarettes.

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