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"Some people have been worried that electronic cigarettes could be a gateway into smoking for young people. These figures show that has not happened so far. But we need to keep monitoring use in young people, and make sure advertising and promotion of electronic cigarettes doesn’t glamourise their use."

The Rest of the Story

Furthermore, the deceptive statements of both authors appear in a press release, not simply as quotes in a newspaper article. This implies that they had plenty of time to think about these statements and were not just speaking off the cuff or being misquoted.

For those upset because they lost money on Super Bowl bets Sunday, I have good news for you. Next year, you can call a team of UC Riverside researchers for their premonitions about the Super Bowl outcomes before placing your bets. This research team has demonstrated themselves to be able to forecast the future, as they apparently are able to determine the conclusions of their research before even conducting the experiments.

The full effect of using electronic cigarettes on people’s health has yet to be established as e-cigs are a relatively new device and long term effect studies simply do not yet exist. Though there is only limited research at this time, the studies that do exist primarily seem to agree that the electronic method of delivering tobacco to your system is significantly safer than the traditional method of combustible smoking, which exposes the user to noxious smoke and tar. The AHA policy statement read: “To date, relatively little research has been conducted on the human health effects of e-cigarettes.” They go on to cite a study by the American Journal of Preventative Medicine, in which they found that, “no serious adverse effects have been reported in clinical trials with less than 6 months of use compared with nicotine patches.” Users who are trying to quit smoking and using nicotine replacement often report having more success with e-cigarettes as a cessation method for a variety of reasons. Not only do vapor cigarettes deliver the nicotine in a safer way, they also allow the user to have an enjoyable experience, one that is similar to traditional smoking, which many smokers agree is often just as much of a part of their addiction as the nicotine itself.

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