auto:admin Firefly Ecig with High quality and Competitive price

According to an at "The nation's tobacco companies and the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) have reached an agreement on publishing corrective statements that say the companies lied about the dangers of smoking and requires them to disclose smoking's health effects, said an Associated Press report."

Of course, I agree with both Dr. Glantz and Dr. Chapman that the ad is quite inappropriate.

In summary, the rules state:

The truth is that these groups are stuck - trapped in a blinding ideology in which science plays absolutely no role and positions are based on pure, raw emotion. And the emotion against anything which looks like a cigarette is apparently so strong that it drowns out even the most solid evidence of the life-saving potential of a product that resembles smoking but delivers nicotine with only a minute fraction of the dangerous chemicals, and which, with proper manufacturing, appears to deliver only one chemical of any significant health concern.

The Rest of the Story

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