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(See: Schober W, et al. Use of electronic cigarettes [e-cigarettes] impairs indoor air quality and increase FeNO levels of e-cigarette consumers. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 2013; doie: 10.1016/j.ijheh.2013.11.003.)

Organizations that oppose electronic cigarettes, such as the CDC and FDA, and anti-smoking advocates who oppose these products, like Dr. Stanton Glantz, have been arguing that electronic cigarettes are a gateway to youth smoking. The CDC has gone so far as to claim that its own survey demonstrates that youth are starting with electronic cigarettes and then moving on to smoke real tobacco cigarettes. The CDC has warned the public that e-cigarettes lead to a lifetime addiction to smoking among our nation's children.

Many of my friends honestly don’t care and use their E-Cigs freely even in front of their new borns and toddlers merely assuming it is safe. Recently on the news there has been a rumor on formaldehyde being present in the vapor being created by E-Cigs, but hasn’t really backed it up with a formal study. This scared some people and even a handful of folks I personal known went back to regular cigarettes. I recently stumbled upon that was done the last couple of months. In this article they dive into the vapor that is being produced and more specifically the amount it produces depending on the voltage being used.

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