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Senator Blumenthal has clearly his position: "'I think flavors ought to be banned,' Blumenthal told U.S. News. It's 'completely disingenuous' to say adults are the primary users of popular flavor options, he said."

The rest of the story is that the anti-smoking groups are whining loudly because they need to: they need to cover up their own indiscretion -- negotiating and supporting a bill with no teeth, while misleading the public about the strength of the bill and its effects. In other words, unless the anti-smoking groups shift the blame over to the tobacco companies, then the fact that these groups lied to the American people is going to become clear.

While the Board of Health was "courageous" enough to ban smoking at all private clubs, it was not "courageous" enough to similarly ban smoking at the city's own public club -- the Garden House Banquet Hall at Look Park.

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