auto:admin Atomizer Head for Innokin iClear 30S 'Type S'

To understand how ridiculous Dr. Glantz's extrapolation is, consider some of the other exposures that also cause reductions in exhaled nitric oxide:

It is interesting to find out that the "wild, wild West" that anti-smoking groups have complained so much about (i.e., the lack of current regulation of e-cigarettes because they fall into the cracks of the FDA Tobacco Act) is actually their own fault. Had these groups pressured the sponsors of the Tobacco Act to regulate e-cigarettes as tobacco products back in 2009, these products would have been introduced to the U.S. market under a regulated framework, in which, at very least, the FDA would have been able to inform itself about the products by collecting key information, such as ingredients and basic quality control information.

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