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6. Very few nonsmokers or long-term ex-smokers are using electronic cigarettes.

In a entitled "Electronic Cigarettes: Advocacy and Research Updates," and an accompanying , Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights (ANR) insinuates that all electronic cigarette companies are actually owned by Big Tobacco, that several e-cigarette trade associations/lobbying groups are actually tobacco industry front groups, and that Mistic E-Cigarettes specifically is owned by a tobacco company.

Futhermore, one of the problems noted in the deeming regulations is the fact that: "The vast majority of the respondents who were aware of these products indicated that they believed e-cigarettes were less harmful than traditional cigarettes...".

If the policy were based on health principles, it would encourage smokers to quit, and therefore, it would reward smokers who are trying to quit using nicotine patches, nicotine gum, or electronic cigarettes, rather than exclude these individuals from employment.

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