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If this study leads some smokers to smoke inside because they believe the researchers, who say that thirdhand smoke is no less harmful than secondhand smoke, then this could lead to serious public health harm to children.

Today, I reveal that CDC has again lied to the public, which suggests that its dishonesty is not just an inconsequential slip, but a pattern of dishonest behavior intended to demonize electronic cigarettes.

Clearly, this statement by the CDC is intended to imply that Big Tobacco has been fighting the FDA's attempts to first ban and now regulate the product. This is false. In fact, the tobacco companies were not involved in the earlier lawsuit and since entering the market, they have strongly supported the FDA's regulation of electronic cigarettes.

What the study found was that 11.9% of the former smokers had ever tried an electronic cigarette in the past year. This means they might have tried an electronic cigarette once and never taken another puff again. It means they may have tried a single puff on an electronic cigarette just to see what it was like.

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