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The Senate Finance Committee will hold a hearing on the proposed electronic cigarette tax tomorrow at 4:00 pm. Hopefully, the Committee members will vote on the side of protecting the public's health rather than protecting cigarette profits.

In addition to violating state law by enforcing a contract on a party not subject to that contract, Representatives Waxman, Harkin, and Welch are asking their Attorneys General to violate the Compact Clause of the Constitution by entering into a compact with other states without the consent of Congress. They are asking the states to conspire to an agreement by which they would force electronic cigarette companies to become parties to a contract to which they do not assent.

In my opinion, a ban on flavors in electronic cigarettes would completely destroy the electronic cigarette market. If the FDA is going to ban the flavors in e-cigarettes, then it might as well just ban the product entirely.

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