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"Each corrective ad is to be prefaced by a statement that a federal court has concluded that the defendant tobacco companies 'deliberately deceived the American public.' Among the required statements are that smoking kills more people than murder, AIDS, suicide, drugs, car crashes and alcohol combined, and that 'secondhand smoke kills over 38,000 Americans a year.'"

While disclosure of consulting activities may have become the norm, it certainly has not become the norm for the Surgeon General's report!

In fact, the subjects had no idea that they were part of an experiment involving artificial manipulation of their news feed for the purposes of potential inducing happiness or sadness as part of a research study. This potential use of their Facebook account is simply not mentioned in the Data Use Policy. The policy states that the information provided by users may be used for research purposes. It also states that the information may be shared with outside vendors to conduct research. However, nowhere does the policy state that users agree to intentional manipulation by Facebook staff for research purposes.

But that wasn't the intent of Congress, or of the anti-smoking groups which supported the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act. The intent was to gain a political victory by making it look like they were doing something to protect the public's health, when in truth, they weren't actually doing anything to make cigarettes safer. If anything, they were putting obstacles in the way of transforming the tobacco market into one that is safer.

Is this the message we want going out to smokers? That their smoking is perhaps no more dangerous to them than if they quit smoking and instead used a product that only delivers nicotine without the tens of thousands of other chemicals, including more than 60 known human carcinogens?

Cigavette was started by lifelong smokers who were able to quit by using e-cigs. They wanted to “create a very cool brand that features the highest quality products at an economical price.”

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