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The wealthiest 1% of Americans, along with corporations that are enjoying inappropriate tax breaks.

This survey has two major implications for public health regulation.

Prior to this study, the most significant health concern regarding passive vaping was the possibility of exposure to carcinogenic and toxic aldehydes and pyrolysis products including formaldehyde, acrolein, and acetone. However, this study found no increase in concentrations of any of these pollutants under realistic (real-life) conditions.

There is a part of this story that was not revealed at the hearing, and it is time to reveal it now at the Rest of the Story.

The Rest of the Story

"Would I like (e-cigarettes) to be regulated by a organization like FDA that can make those subtle distinctions among tobacco products? Yes. Do I want them to be regulated exactly like other tobacco products? No, because not all tobacco products are the same, and too many people think they are and act like they are."

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