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NEwhere also a tobacco researcher, a fellow named Michael Siegel, as stating that: "the levels of exposure of E Cigs are either 'well below that of cigarette smoking' in those chemicals that are present, or, more generally electronic cigarette use 'reduces the user's exposure to a wide range of chemicals in tobacco smoke.'" Thus, NEwhere is not stating that electronic cigarettes are absolutely safe, only that they are less hazardous than tobacco cigarettes.

What it does, sadly, is continue to exaggerate the income disparity between the richest and the poorest in our society. And saddest of all, it forces the poorest in our society to pay for their own benefit programs - programs that should be provided by the government to all citizens.

In other words, it is time to acknowledge that the law was flawed. It is not the cigarette companies that are to blame for the fact that consumers still understand which brand is which. The law is to blame. If the intent of Congress were to ban any brand that might mislead consumers, then the Congress should simply have banned these brands, requiring them to be pulled from the market.

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