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As I earlier this week, the truth is that this paper provides no evidence whatsoever that e-cigarette use is a gateway to smoking. Instead, it is entirely possible - and quite likely - that youths who use e-cigarettes are more likely to be heavier and more resistant smokers. I argued that by relying on this false evidence, the politicians are essentially lying to the American public. They are misrepresenting the scientific evidence, twisting it to try to support their pre-determined conclusion.

Regardless, the AHA considers e-cigarettes that do “contain nicotine to be tobacco products and therefore supports their regulation under existing laws relating to the use and marketing of tobacco products.” They suggest regulation in the areas of youth marketing, smoke-free air laws, and manufacturing, in order to make sure e-cigarettes don’t encourage nicotine use, which no matter what the delivery method, does present health dangers to its users.

In other words, despite acknowledging that they cannot tell from their study whether e-cigarette use precedes smoking or whether smoking precedes e-cigarette use, they nonetheless draw the conclusion that e-cigarette use precedes smoking.

The main difference between this study and those touted by Glantz as showing that e-cigarettes are ineffective is that unlike Glantz's cited studies, this one actually examines cessation rates among smokers who reported using e-cigarettes for smoking cessation. In other words, Brown et al. included smokers who reported having used e-cigarettes with the intention to quit smoking. In the studies cited by Glantz, smoking cessation rates for all e-cigarette users were examined, even if a smoker just tried a puff of an electronic cigarette to see what all the hype is about.

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