auto:admin Phoenix Style Rebuildable Atomizer

At one corner we have Big Tobacco, a $90 industry and the E-Cig industry is poking a very angry bear, and at the other corner is Big Pharma, the who have repeatedly been pushing for more and more regulation with E-Cigs and to claim that E-Cigs does not help with quitting and should not be advertised as such. There are doctors that still will not advice patients to use vaporizers to curb smoking sensation, but instead use Chantix instead. Chantix is still being prescribed right now and have yet to be pulled from pharmacies. In response to these suicides, all Pfizer has done is put a warning label on the box.

For the combustible cigarette market, this is a dream come true. In fact, it seems too good to be true because it is a supposedly public health protection agency that is issuing this immense market protection.

With their smart chip providing a consistent voltage to the heating element, Cigavette has succeeded where others have failed, and produced an e-cigarette that actually tastes like a tobacco cigarette.

Overall, ASH reported that "98% of children who have never smoked have never even tried an electronic cigarette."

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