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But e-cigarettes should not be treated the same as cigarettes. Doing so removes the incentive for people to switch from real cigarettes to e-cigarettes and therefore will increase smoking, and with it, death.

You will probably spend more time finding the perfect flavored e-liquid than you will spend looking for your e-cig because there are many more choices of e-liquids compared to e-cigs. Some people need more vapor, and some require more flavorings. This is up to you on what you want.I have my personal preferences on how I like my e-juice to taste and you will also.

Furthermore, they are lying to the public. In their report, they state: "The Tobacco Control Act restricts the distribution and sale of cigarettes with characterizing flavors." That's not true. After all, the Act does not restrict the sale of cigarettes with menthol as a characterizing flavors. It only prohibits flavors - such as chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry - that were not actually used in cigarettes at the time the legislation was enacted.

A spokesperson from one of the leading national anti-smoking groups commented: "The more things change, the more they stay the same. This just goes to show that the tobacco industry is still able to unduly influence medical research reporting, even if they are not currently paying their consulting scientists. These conflicts of interest were firmly established in the past and the conflicted scientists continue to do the tobacco industry's bidding."

• I also lied to you when I told you that my own study demonstrated that electronic cigarettes are "a new route to smoking addiction for adolescents." The study was a cross-sectional one, so I could not draw that conclusion. And I admitted it in the article itself. But that's not what I told you.

I then explain that the gateway hypothesis is actually unsupported by any scientific evidence and that there is some evidence which is inconsistent with the hypothesis.

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