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The theory of tobacco abstinence is currently being challenged by a new idea called (THR). THR splits tobacco into two parts: the harm caused by smoke and tar, and the harm caused by nicotine. Because nicotine addiction is the main problem when it comes to getting smokers to quit smoking, THR theory looks at the harm caused by nicotine itself compared to the harm caused by smoking. The good news is that nicotine is fairly safe in low doses, comparable to caffeine in effects and dangers. So in short, THR aims to give smokers who are unable to quit smoking an alternative source of nicotine to reduce tobacco harm.

The Michigan Medical Society - representing the state's physicians - is opposed to legislation that would do nothing more or less than ban the sale of electronic cigarettes to minors.

The rest of the story is that by applying section 911 to electronic cigarettes, the FDA is forcing electronic cigarette companies to implictly lie to its consumers by hiding from them the undeniable truth that electronic cigarettes are much safer than tobacco cigarettes. This removes the most critical element of potential marketing competition from combustible cigarettes.

In other words, despite acknowledging that they cannot tell from their study whether e-cigarette use precedes smoking or whether smoking precedes e-cigarette use, they nonetheless draw the conclusion that e-cigarette use precedes smoking.

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