auto:admin Vaporizer smoking pipe 20ml eLiPro B PCC

Per rumor only, I am expecting the FDA electronic cigarette deeming regulations to be released today. It will take me some time to digest and analyze them, but as soon as I do, I will provide a summary and commentary on their implications.

Dr. Glantz writes: "Evidence that e-cigarette aerosol has the same effects on an important measure of lung function as cigarette smoke undermines the assumption that e-cigarettes are uniformly less risky than conventional cigarettes."

In three separate sets of comments submitted to the FDA regarding the proposed deeming regulations, three major players in the e-cigarette space have offered the identical piece of advice for the agency:

"So why doesn’t the CDC include e-cigarettes among its cessation and quitting tips? “The real reason is that they don’t condone anything that looks like smoking, even if it delivers none of the smoke and even if it delivers no nicotine,” Siegel said. “It is the ideology of the smoking action that they oppose.”"

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