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There are many reasons and ways to quit smoking. Some people use medications, patches, gum, hypnosis, and some quit smoking cold turkey. There are many good ways to stop smoking and I recommend that you try as many methods as you can to help you quit. E-cigarettes are not a stop smoking product and only offer an alternative to smoking.

In fact, it could well be that flavored electronic cigarette use inhibits youth smoking by making it much less likely that a youth is going to enjoy his or her first experience with real tobacco cigarettes. The oral and respiratory tracts that are used to fruit or candy flavors are most likely not going to be able to tolerate or enjoy the harsh taste and sensation of a tobacco cigarette. For this reason, it is entirely conceivable that the use of electronic cigarettes might actually be a deterrent to cigarette smoking.

Whether e-cigarette use precedes smoking or smoking precedes e-cigarette use is a critical question, but it is one which needs to be answered through longitudinal research. We need studies that follow the trajectory of teen tobacco/e-cigarette use over time. That is the only way to determine which comes first.

$16.95 - 30ml

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