auto:admin 2014 Newest VENUS Rebuildable Electronic Cigarette Atomizer

The Rest of the Story

It shouldn't take a rocket toxicologist to figure out that electronic cigarettes - which contain no tobacco - have immense benefits over traditional tobacco products. It shouldn't take a rocket epidemiologist to figure out that eliminating almost all of the more than 10,000 chemicals and 60+ carcinogens in cigarettes is going to result in a safer product. And anyone who has read the numerous laboratory, toxicology, and clinical studies of electronic cigarettes and tobacco cigarettes should understand that vaping is much safer than smoking.

"By improving symptoms of depression, smoking may actually enhance respiratory health."

Contrary to the assertion of the authors of this paper, simply being aware that the information one provides to Facebook may be used for research purposes does not constitute informed consent. The fact that users agreed to a Data Use Policy which notes that information may be used for research purposes does not, as the authors state, "[constitute] informed consent for this research."

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