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The authors conclude with a section entitled "What Needs to Happen?"

This is a disaster not only because it hides from consumers knowledge that these products are safer than cigarettes, but because it forces electronic cigarette companies to rely on other advertising pitches, such as portraying the use of these products as being sexy or attractive, boasting about how these products can be used in places where smoking is not allowed, or portraying these products as fancier types of cigarettes. This is going to make it more difficult to deter young people from picking up these products because it becomes more difficult for them to understand the true purpose and meaning of electronic cigarettes.

The full effect of using electronic cigarettes on people’s health has yet to be established as e-cigs are a relatively new device and long term effect studies simply do not yet exist. Though there is only limited research at this time, the studies that do exist primarily seem to agree that the electronic method of delivering tobacco to your system is significantly safer than the traditional method of combustible smoking, which exposes the user to noxious smoke and tar. The AHA policy statement read: “To date, relatively little research has been conducted on the human health effects of e-cigarettes.” They go on to cite a study by the American Journal of Preventative Medicine, in which they found that, “no serious adverse effects have been reported in clinical trials with less than 6 months of use compared with nicotine patches.” Users who are trying to quit smoking and using nicotine replacement often report having more success with e-cigarettes as a cessation method for a variety of reasons. Not only do vapor cigarettes deliver the nicotine in a safer way, they also allow the user to have an enjoyable experience, one that is similar to traditional smoking, which many smokers agree is often just as much of a part of their addiction as the nicotine itself.

To highlight the absurdity of this aspect of the deeming regulations, it means that electronic cigarette companies will not be allowed to even claim that their product is free of tobacco. The law states that a tobacco product manufacturer cannot claim that "the tobacco product or its smoke does not contain or is free of a substance." In other words, an electronic cigarette company cannot claim that its electronic cigaretes do not contain, or are free of, tobacco.

The Rest of the Story

These results hardly seem consistent with the CDC's statements that electronic cigarette use is causing an alarming increase in youth smoking.

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