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The most telling point is Dr. Glantz's opposition to legislation that classifies electronic cigarettes as being separate from tobacco products. The electronic cigarette associations have been lobbying local and state governments not to classify e-cigarettes as tobacco products. This makes perfect sense because they are not tobacco products. They contain no tobacco. They are orders of magnitude safer than cigarettes and should not be treated in the same category for regulatory purposes.

Because this research was funded by the federal government (by the Army Research Office, to Cornell), it is subject to the human subjects research requirements. In addition, the involvement of two researchers at academic (federally-funded) institutions requires that the research be approved by an Institutional Review Board. Apparently, the research was approved by an academic IRB, a decision which I publicly question, for the above reasons.

When I looked at the bottle, I saw that the E-Juice wasn’t clear or see through like the E-Juices I bought from retailers. In fact, it was cloudy and very similar to a bottle of oil and vinegar. Long story short, it wasn’t completely homogeneous yet that is the flavoring hasn’t bonded with the base completely. I shook it for what felt like a good 30 minutes and it was still very cloudy.

In what it is calling an action "," the FDA has announced taking an "important step" that shows its commitment "to making sure that all tobacco products that are sold and distributed to the public meet the requirements of the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act (Tobacco Control Act)." According to the FDA, this bold new action is necessary because: "Ensuring compliance with the law is critical to FDA’s mission to protect public health."

Not everyone is informed as we are about what exactly an electronic cigarette is. Cigarettes have been demonized for decades; the very fact that it’s called an electronic cigarette and produces a opaque vapor during exhale has many misinformed individuals terrified.

(See: Farsalinos KE, et al. Acute effects of using an electronic nicotine-delivery device (electronic cigarette) on myocardial function: comparison with the effects of regular cigarettes.BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2014, 14:78.)

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