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In order to represent informed consent, there are several other elements which must take place. These are best by Professor James Grimmelmann over at :

New York State Senator Kemp Hannon has introduced that would ban most electronic cigarettes, including both the rechargeable and modular types, while keeping toxic tobacco cigarettes on the market.

The European Respiratory Society, then, is opposed to the use of e-cigarettes at the present time in the United States. What this means is that the ERS would rather see smokers continue to use tobacco cigarettes than quit smoking by switching to electronic cigarettes.

Simply put, they argue that what needs to happen is for tobacco control scientists to start being honest, to adhere to good scientific practice, and to guide their conclusions by evidence rather than emotions.

The scientific literature supporting the conclusion that filtered cigarettes are associated with a lower cancer risk than non-filtered cigarettes is substantial. I will not present the entire literature, but here are some representative studies:

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