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This statement insinutates that like the National Smokers Alliance, the Smoke Free Alternatives Trade Association (SFATA), Oklahoma Vapors Advocacy League (OVAL) and Iowans for Alternatives to Smoking and Tobacco (IAST) are actually Big Tobacco front groups. The statement emphasizes the ties of two of SFATA's Board members to Big Tobacco, as well as the fact that a lobbyist for IAST has lobbied for Philip Morris. Thus, the insinuation is that these are all Big Tobacco front groups and they are not being honest about their true funding from tobacco companies.

There is little question that electronic cigarettes are much safer than tobacco cigarettes (even Glantz himself admits that). And further, there is little question that the most important piece of information consumers need in deciding whether to continue to smoke real cigarettes or switch to the fake ones is that the fake ones don't contain or burn tobacco and are therefore much safer than the real tobacco cigarettes.

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