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It is important to point out that just because the relative risk of cancer associated with filtered cigarettes is lower than that for non-filtered cigarettes, it does not necessarily follow that switching from a non-filtered to a filtered cigarette will reduce one's health risks. It is possible that smokers who make such a switch will compensate because they are used to higher tar levels. It is possible that the observed reduction in cancer risk only holds for lifelong filtered cigarette smokers, as they do not compensate (they never smoked non-filtered cigarettes). In fact, the scientific evidence supports this contention.

According to an at "In a hearing Wednesday afternoon that harkened back to the famous congressional Big Tobacco hearings two decades ago, Senators on the Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee eviscerated electronic cigarette executives Jason Healy, CEO of blu eCigs (owned by tobacco company Lorillard), and Craig Weiss, CEO of NJOY, leaders of the two leading e-cig brands."

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