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As the tobacco companies are no longer using these descriptor terms, they are in compliance with the federal law. They cannot possibly be found in violation of the law for using alternative names for their products when the law specifically allowed those products to remain on the market.

Hartge et al. exactly the same result as Wynder's group: "Our data indicated that people who have only smoked unfiltered cigarettes have higher risks."

The public health charity ‘Action on Smoking and Health’ are fairly optimistic regarding the potential for vaping to be able to help smokers kick the dangerous habit and they inferred that the contents of e-cigarettes appear to be less than harmful. Although nicotine has been connected to anxiety and blood vessel disease, when this is compared to the percentage of smokers that contract cancer from tobacco, things look far more positive. A study that was conducted in 2013 did reveal that the practice of e-smoking helped to reduce the cravings for real cigarettes amongst heavy smokers and as such they managed to decrease the amount of harmful tobacco consumption. Because they strongly resemble and actually mimic the action of smoking a normal cigarette, it is believed that vaping has the potential to completely replace the desire to smoke amongst the same demographic.

The failure of the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act does call for criticism. But that criticism should not be leveled at the colors Gold, Silver, and Blue. The criticism should be directed at the anti-smoking groups and politicians who sold out the health of the public for political gain.

"It'll seem to be cool," he said.

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