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The Lie: Wimmer implies that the tobacco companies are promoting electronic cigarettes as being safe, and he links to one electronic cigarette company web site () as support for this statement.

We certainly should not forget Dr. Terry's amazing work in bringing the issue of the health effects of smoking to public light. But at the same time, we must not forget his responsibility in the atrocity that is the Tuskegee study.

Of course, this is the same thing as stating that cigarette smoking may be no worse than vaping in terms of its effects on pulmonary function.

The policy also states: "We give your information to the people and companies that help us provide, understand and improve the services we offer. For example, we may use outside vendors to help host our website, serve photos and videos, process payments, analyze data, conduct and publish research, measure the effectiveness of ads, or provide search results."

Roughly 67% of the physicians questioned in the research agreed that e-cigs can be a useful tool when looking for a solution in eliminating tobacco, 65% of the physicians believe that electronic cigarette usage represents a much less chance of cancer when compared to a typical tobacco cigarette, and 35% of the same physicians recommended e-cigs to their patients who smoke. These recommendations were still made regardless of the fact that the FDA has yet to regulate the use of e-cigarettes.

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