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Many of my friends honestly don’t care and use their E-Cigs freely even in front of their new borns and toddlers merely assuming it is safe. Recently on the news there has been a rumor on formaldehyde being present in the vapor being created by E-Cigs, but hasn’t really backed it up with a formal study. This scared some people and even a handful of folks I personal known went back to regular cigarettes. I recently stumbled upon that was done the last couple of months. In this article they dive into the vapor that is being produced and more specifically the amount it produces depending on the voltage being used.

According to a Business Standard entitled "Third-Hand Smoke Just as Lethal as First-Hand Smoke": "A scientist at the University of California, Riverside suggests that second-hand smoke and third-hand smoke are just as deadly as first-hand smoke. While first-hand smoke refers to the smoke inhaled by a smoker and second-hand smoke to the exhaled smoke and other substances emanating from the burning cigarette that can get inhaled by others, third-hand smoke is the second-hand smoke that gets left on the surfaces of objects, ages over time and becomes progressively more toxic."

What makes the Citizens Medical Center policy particularly ugly is that they justify it by arguing that their patients don't want to see obese people people it doesn't fit with their "mental projection" of a healthcare professional. That is simply disgusting. The same thing could have been said years ago (or maybe today) about certain other groups, such as black health care workers, LGBT workers, or Jewish workers.

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