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Although regulation is often seen as the big bad wolf, it’s not always a horrible thing to have. As many of the E-Juices and devices are often created without proper inspection and the E-Juice can have wildly inaccurate amounts of nicotine in each bottle depending on how diligent the E-Juice makers are in measuring the nicotine. There currently is no standard way of measuring out nicotine in E-Juice. Some stores have been known to “eye-ball” the nicotine and flavoring levels. Whereas some stores have a dedicated lab grade clean room and precise measuring tools. There needs to be some standard and regulation that protects us the users and customers from people out to make a quick buck. Contamination is another huge issue as E-Juice making products needs to be cleaned like anything else, and it needs to be cleaned properly. Certain standards need to be maintained when creating these E-Juices. Now if a lab grade room is required to create E-Juice, this would cripple many stores as most stores are small startups that are creating E-Juice in the back of their break room (I’m dead serious…..). However this may be a blessing as a clean room and lab grade equipment minimizes contamination and thus allows us to vape safer and higher quality E-Juice. With regulation hopefully the days of moonshining E-Juice in the back of a moving van would be over, a slight exaggeration maybe but not far from the truth!

• The truth is that the study only measured ever use of electronic cigarettes, not current use, regular use, or addiction to nicotine. Thus, it could not determine whether the kids who had tried electronic cigarettes ever used them again. So it could not tell if these kids were addicted to nicotine. They may have simply tried an electronic cigarette and not vaped again.

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