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In other words, the deeming regulations place an insurmountable obstacle in the way of new and innovative products. This is disastrous because it is new products which are essential to continue to drive the market forward. It is the new products which will be safer and more effective. It is the new products that are critical to allowing electronic cigarettes to some day seriously challenge or overtake the combustible market.

In taking this position, the FDA is virtually on its own. Most scientists and public health practitioners disavowed such crap decades ago, when it was first spewn forth by the old Big Tobacco companies. But now, there are only two entities that are still claiming this nonsense: (1) the FDA; and (2) Stan Glantz (see his to the FDA).

It is clear, then, that this study violated the principles of informed consent, as subjects did not provide informed consent prior to being enrolled in the research.

The full effect of using electronic cigarettes on people’s health has yet to be established as e-cigs are a relatively new device and long term effect studies simply do not yet exist. Though there is only limited research at this time, the studies that do exist primarily seem to agree that the electronic method of delivering tobacco to your system is significantly safer than the traditional method of combustible smoking, which exposes the user to noxious smoke and tar. The AHA policy statement read: “To date, relatively little research has been conducted on the human health effects of e-cigarettes.” They go on to cite a study by the American Journal of Preventative Medicine, in which they found that, “no serious adverse effects have been reported in clinical trials with less than 6 months of use compared with nicotine patches.” Users who are trying to quit smoking and using nicotine replacement often report having more success with e-cigarettes as a cessation method for a variety of reasons. Not only do vapor cigarettes deliver the nicotine in a safer way, they also allow the user to have an enjoyable experience, one that is similar to traditional smoking, which many smokers agree is often just as much of a part of their addiction as the nicotine itself.

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