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I just do not understand why ANR finds it necessary to lie in order to make its point. Couldn't ANR just tell the truth? There are enough truthful reasons for the public to be cautious about electronic cigarettes that lies are not necessary.

Many anti-smoking groups and advocates have been pushing for a ban on the use of flavorings in electronic cigarettes. Such a ban would have devastated the industry, as the flavors are a key aspect of what makes these products competitive with tobacco cigarettes. In addition, the flavors make e-cigarettes distinct from tobacco cigarettes and make it much less likely that people who switch to these products will return to regular cigarettes. In addition, youth who use flavored electronic cigarettes are most likely less inclined to initiate smoking because once they are accustomed to the flavors, cigarettes would seem extremely harsh.

The Michigan Medical Society has that would protect the public's health by prohibiting the sale of electronic cigarettes to minors.

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