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Senator Boxer also has no business excoriating the e-cigarette executives as she, too, sold out to Big Tobacco by supporting the legislation which exempted menthol from the cigarette flavoring ban. And she, too, has failed to sponsor legislation - now or any time in the past four years - that would correct the problem now by banning menthol cigarettes.

By the way, I agree with Wimmer's ultimate conclusion: that commonsense regulation of electronic cigarettes by the FDA is urgently needed. However, I don't need to lie or deceive the public in order to make that point.

The FDA is essentially saying that ex-smokers who have quit smoking using electronic cigarettes might as well revert back to smoking, since the Agency is not aware that vaping is any less hazardous than smoking. Is this the kind of scientific-based advice that we think is appropriate to be coming from a federal health agency?

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