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Congratulations! So you’ve made the switch from analogs (traditional cigarettes) and entered into the vast world of vaping. No longer do you have to roll down the window in the middle of winter to let that smog out or step outside after a huge satisfying meal. You’re no longer out of breath after extraneous activity and don’t reek of stink after a few drags during your lunch break. Fantastic! I’m excited, you’re excited, but we’re not all excited… Not everyone feels the same way as you do outside of your own home. As a community we must follow the basic rule:Don’t vape where you can’t smoke!

In a entitled "Electronic Cigarettes: Advocacy and Research Updates," and an accompanying , Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights (ANR) insinuates that all electronic cigarette companies are actually owned by Big Tobacco, that several e-cigarette trade associations/lobbying groups are actually tobacco industry front groups, and that Mistic E-Cigarettes specifically is owned by a tobacco company.

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