auto:admin 2014 new rechargeable electronic cigarettes lrider 007 PCC

Other E-Juice vendors (especially those with a much higher price tag than others) have been known to create their flavorings and flavor extracts themselves to create their custom flavoring profile. This is not an easy task to do and thus a higher price tag. Their E-Juice is unique as the flavoring used cannot be bought from a mass produced flavoring company and thus one of a kind since it can’t be replicated. Now I’m not saying just because the company extracts the flavors instead of purchasing them means it will taste great (from experience with some of the premium flavors at times it really doesn’t), but each person is different in what they are looking for and taste is highly subjective.

Like Senator Blumenthal's statement which I discussed yesterday, this piece by the American Lung Association is completely divorced from science and scientific evidence and falls solidly into the realm of political propaganda.

Assuming that this is an accurate quote from Dr. Frieden, the CDC is lying. It is not true that the FDA lost a lawsuit to the tobacco industry when it tried to regulate e-cigarettes earlier. The lawsuit it lost was filed by two electronic cigarette companies, neither of which were owned by Big Tobacco. In fact, at the time of that lawsuit, the tobacco companies were not even in the business of selling e-cigarettes. All e-cigarette companies at that time were independent of Big Tobacco.

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