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5. "The concentrations of elements and metals showed a 2.4-fold increase for aluminum." [However, there was no significant increase for any other metal, including copper, chromium, nickel, lead, tin, vanadium, or zinc.]

2. Feeling sad

According to the Surgeon General's report:

All in all, the deeming regulations are a disaster. However, they are not as much of a disaster as they could have been. The positive side is that internet sales, marketing to adult consumers, and flavors are still allowed and that no products will immediately be taken off the market. The negative side is that new products will require pre-approval, virtually every product on the market will require a substantial equivalence determination (if not a new product approval), and that manufacturers will be forced to implicitly lie about the intended purpose and relative safety of the product by not being allowed to correctly point out that these products are much safer than tobacco cigarettes.

Between 1961 and 1965 - during the entire time that Dr. Terry was heading the Public Health Service as Surgeon General - the Service was conducting an unethical and racist study in which it denied antibiotic treatment to African American men with advanced syphilis in order to observe the debilitating and fatal long-term sequelae of this essentially 100% treatable infection.

Anne Arundel Medical Center in Annapolis wants to encourage smokers to quit, but only in the way the hospital says they should quit. Specifically, smokers who successfully quit smoking using electronic cigarettes will not be eligible for employment if they are continuing to use e-cigarettes to stay smoke-free. Moreover, smokers who are currently attempting to quit using e-cigarettes will not be eligible for employment, no matter how successful they might be in quitting or cutting down using these products.

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