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Smoking status was then assessed at the time of the interview to determine the rates of successful quitting during the most recent quit attempt, comparing the three groups: (1) e-cigarettes only; (2) NRT only; and (3) no cessation aids. The total sample size was 5,863.

In other words, despite acknowledging that they cannot tell from their study whether e-cigarette use precedes smoking or whether smoking precedes e-cigarette use, they nonetheless draw the conclusion that e-cigarette use precedes smoking.

To illustrate this, let's consider the five studies which the authors cite as providing evidence that electronic cigarettes inhibit smoking cessation.

The authors acknowledge this: "We must state though that while the differences within our study are of statistical significance, the clinical changes may be too small to be of major clinical importance."

Last week, three Democratic lawmakers -- Rep. Henry A. Waxman (CA), Sen. Tom Harkin (IA), and Rep. Peter Welch (VT) -- sent a to the Attorneys General in their states requesting that the AGs declare that electronic cigarettes fall under the terms of the Master Settlement Agreement (MSA) signed in 1998 with the tobacco companies.

Although it seems like a fantastic idea, the idea of having caffeine in your E-Juice is most likely a gimmick. Considering caffeine naturally has a very bitter taste, dissipates at high heat, and only 60% potent when inhaled caffeine infused E-Juice doesn’t seem to be a viable option. Unless you’re okay with super concentrated caffeine that tastes very bitter, you’re better off getting your morning fix from coffee rather than looking at E-Juice as an alternative.

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