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But wait, on eBay all types of E-Cig and vaping hardware and accessories are sold all the time. In fact, there are dozens of listings every hour. Although technically they are violating the rules, sellers are extremely careful not to list it as a tobacco or an E-Cig product. They list the name and the description but never mention that it is used for vaping or E-Cig purposes at all. Some sellers even go as far as to neither state on their description that what they are selling isn’t tobacco related nor do they contain nicotine. eBay however doesn’t have as much scrutiny as PayPal does if you sell/buy directly from the person. Before money is transferred there is a box to describe the transaction with what is being bought or sold. If vaping or E-Cig is mentioned at all, both the buyer and seller’s account will be locked. Now this may not be a big deal for some people but some folks (like myself) leave money in their PayPal accounts especially if they use eBay often or do trades on a weekly basis. Some people have hundreds if not thousands of dollars in their PayPal accounts. When an account is frozen, your money is gone and not recoverable. You could try to contact PayPal’s customer service and argue that you weren’t doing anything against their terms and regulations, however among the people I’ve known to get their account frozen, not many were able to argue their way out of it. Their money was as good as gone!

In a entitled "Electronic Cigarettes: Advocacy and Research Updates," and an accompanying , Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights (ANR) insinuates that all electronic cigarette companies are actually owned by Big Tobacco, that several e-cigarette trade associations/lobbying groups are actually tobacco industry front groups, and that Mistic E-Cigarettes specifically is owned by a tobacco company.

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