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“The general idea is that it’s absolutely threatening to admit you’re wrong,” says political scientist Brendan Nyhan, the lead researcher on the Michigan study. The phenomenon — known as “backfire” — is “a natural defense mechanism to avoid that cognitive dissonance.”

Moreover, the users of e-cigarettes in the population were likely more addicted to nicotine, making the comparison of their quit rates with those of other smokers inappropriate.

Banning smoking in public parks and beaches may have environmental benefits, but in terms of human health, there is no evidence that these policies are actually addressing any substantial public health problem. In contrast, the problem of secondhand smoke exposure in New Jersey's casinos is truly a life and death issue.

Adding to the long list of tobacco control practitioners who have publicly declared that smoking may be no more harmful than vaping - which involves no tobacco and no combustion - a South Carolina respiratory therapist is telling patients that they should not quit smoking using electronic cigarettes because these devices may be more dangerous than tobacco cigarettes, which kills more than 400,000 Americans each year.

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