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Unfortunately, ANR is so determined to attack electronic cigarette use that it has abandoned scientific integrity and is spreading misinformation to the public. While ANR has every right to advocate against the use of electronic cigarettes, it should not do so based on false and misleading information.

And predictably, the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids (CTFK) .

VaporBoost is truly revolutionary to the e-liquid world. Its hard to label juice as “perfect” but these guys come extremly close when dealing with quality on all aspects. Providing you with a vast catelog of exotic tastes from lemon lime to cappuccino, and of course all the gourmet and tobacco flavors that you are used to. VaporBoost takes the e-juice lineup to a whole new level by allowing you to add “enhancers” to every bottle. Thesecustom options are unlike most e-liquids vendors today and can help accommodate anymood you’re looking for!

Raising the tax for electronic cigarettes would put many small business owners out of business as most customers would not be willing to pay such a markup as they can easily purchase out of state or even online for much cheaper. Yes they can do this now but the percentage saved is marginable compared to the amount saved if they do decide to act on this tax spike. If you feel as strongly as I do about this ridiculous tax, whether you are a Pennsylvania resident or not.

The report also noted that popular stars, such as Jessica Simpson, have been endorsing the use of nicotine gum. Simpson - a former teen-pop sensation - told a national television audience that she was , even though she had never smoked a cigarette in her life. Simpson told Jay Leno: "The first time I ever chewed a piece of Nicorette gum one of my close friends’ mother gave it to me. I think she thought she was giving me a piece of regular gum. I was chewing it and it was like a party in my mouth. It was like fireworks and 'Oh my god, I’m talking a million miles per hour and I love this gum and what kind of gum is this? I have to have this gum.'"

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