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Moreover, the scheme is regressive and unfair because it balances the budget on the most needy, rather than most well-off, members of society. If we have a budget shortfall and need to find revenues to fund a much-needed early childhood education program, shouldn't that money come from the wealthiest 1% and from corporations, rather than from individuals who tend to be at the lower end of the income spectrum?

An organization such as WHO issuing such a report is absurd in my opinion. WHO should not concern themselves with such as a small matter as it is not a current or emerging health issue around the world. Using children and “not sufficient research” as their basis for their argument is weak at best and would be more damaging for new and current vapers alike. Lobbyists and large governments will most likely use this report as a basis to push their own agenda rather than for the greater good of the smokers out there currently. I see this as a slap in the face and I shed a tear for all my fellow vapers out there in the community. Today is indeed a sad day for us all.

"Similarities are evident between advertisements for the e-cigarettes of today and the cigarette ads from the 1950s. For example, both sets of ads use celebrities to appeal to their target audiences."

In order to draw the conclusion that Dr. Glantz drew in his comment, one would have to completely ignore this study. Obviously, Dr. Glantz has done exactly that. He has based his comment on one narrow study and ignored the rest of the literature.

The results were reported as follows: "Increased duration of e-cigarette use was associated with fewer cigarettes smoked per day and differing patterns of dependence to e-cigarettes contingent upon smoking history. Additionally, increased duration of e-cigarette use was associated with increased frequency of use; however, this finding became nonsignificant when current tobacco cigarette use was accounted for, suggesting that individuals may increase e-cigarette use frequency as they decrease cigarette use. Overall, e-cigarette users tended to decrease the strength of nicotine in their e-cigarette products regardless of duration of use."

This assertion is very misleading, if not outright false. All of these groups readily acknowledge that they are trade associations whose members are electronic cigarette manufacturers or retailers. Moreover, none of these groups, to the best of my knowledge, is funded by Big Tobacco. They are independent trade associations that were organized by and are run by electronic cigarette companies or retailers, not by tobacco companies.