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Last week, I revealed that Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights (ANR) is making on its web site about electronic cigarette companies, claiming that all of them are owned by Big Tobacco and that Mistic, in particular, is a tobacco-owned company that is distributing misinformation based on a Harris Interactive survey it commissioned.

If that sounds strange, I'll repeat it so that you realize this is accurate.

Furthermore, the deceptive statements of both authors appear in a press release, not simply as quotes in a newspaper article. This implies that they had plenty of time to think about these statements and were not just speaking off the cuff or being misquoted.

It is perfectly reasonable for the government to intervene to prevent companies from making false or misleading claims to the public. Even severe infringement of free speech by corporations may be justified in the case of preventing the deception of consumers. However, there is little justification for prohibiting companies from telling consumers the truth, and there is no justification for suppressing the truth when those facts are the most pertinent information that the consumer needs to know in order to make an informed decision about using the product.

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