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3. In 2006, Dr. Fiore that "I have done some consulting work for pharmaceutical companies over the years. Over the past five years, my outside consulting work on an annual basis has ranged between about $10,000 and $30,000 or $40,000 per year."

In addition to violating state law by enforcing a contract on a party not subject to that contract, Representatives Waxman, Harkin, and Welch are asking their Attorneys General to violate the Compact Clause of the Constitution by entering into a compact with other states without the consent of Congress. They are asking the states to conspire to an agreement by which they would force electronic cigarette companies to become parties to a contract to which they do not assent.

Stan writes: "Kelvin Choi and Jean Forester just published a of young adults that followed young adults in Minnesota for one year and examined how attitudes about e-cigarettes affected behavior. They report that one year after entering the study 7.4% of the young adults reported ever using e-cigarettes (21.6% among baseline current smokers, 11.9% among baseline former smokers, and 2.9% among baseline nonsmokers). Put another way, 11.9% of people who had quit smoking before the study started were using e-cigarettes at the end as were 2.9% of people who had never smoked. For these people, e-cigarettes were a pathway to renewed or new nicotine addiction."

The rest of the story is that by applying section 911 to electronic cigarettes, the FDA is forcing electronic cigarette companies to implictly lie to its consumers by hiding from them the undeniable truth that electronic cigarettes are much safer than tobacco cigarettes. This removes the most critical element of potential marketing competition from combustible cigarettes.

The Rest of the Story

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