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Many of my friends honestly don’t care and use their E-Cigs freely even in front of their new borns and toddlers merely assuming it is safe. Recently on the news there has been a rumor on formaldehyde being present in the vapor being created by E-Cigs, but hasn’t really backed it up with a formal study. This scared some people and even a handful of folks I personal known went back to regular cigarettes. I recently stumbled upon that was done the last couple of months. In this article they dive into the vapor that is being produced and more specifically the amount it produces depending on the voltage being used.

The Rest of the Story has that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has lied to the American public by telling them that studies have demonstrated electronic cigarettes are a gateway to a lifetime addiction to smoking, and has ordered the CDC to make this statement. Here is the truth:

This statement insinuates that Mistic is a tobacco company. The statement refers to the survey as "research funded by the tobacco industry" and reminds readers of the history of the dissemination of misinformation by "the tobacco companies." I read this as a clear assertion that Mistic is a tobacco company, or owned by a tobacco company.

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