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Overall, ASH reported that "98% of children who have never smoked have never even tried an electronic cigarette."

Unfortunately, the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids is just all too ready to buy into this political propaganda and to jump on the train being conducted by communities of privilege that runs ramshod through poorer communities.

Even if e-cigarette vapor shows some toxicity in cell culture studies, how does that demonstrate that vaping is more harmful than smoking?

One lesson that has become apparent in the past few months is that for many anti-smoking advocates and groups, it doesn't matter whether you quit, the only thing that is important is how you quit. According to the thinking of these groups, there is a right way to quit and a wrong way to quit. Forget about the fact that you've just quit smoking and possibly saved your life. If you quit the wrong way, you are to be scorned.

There is no evidence that the e-cigarette industry is harming hundreds of thousands of children. Most of the youth who have used e-cigarettes are those who were already users of tobacco products, so it is entirely possible that the use of e-cigarettes among these children actually decreased their tobacco use. Moreover, the assertion that e-cigarettes are a gateway to smoking is inconsistent with actual data on trends in youth smoking rates. Furthermore, the assertion that e-cigarettes are impeding smoking cessation is inconsistent with data on cigarette consumption trends.

There is little question that electronic cigarettes are much safer than tobacco cigarettes (even Glantz himself admits that). And further, there is little question that the most important piece of information consumers need in deciding whether to continue to smoke real cigarettes or switch to the fake ones is that the fake ones don't contain or burn tobacco and are therefore much safer than the real tobacco cigarettes.

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